Sunday, May 15, 2011

Overclocking C2q Q9550

Children prepare the ground just thinking Wembley

Tramitant el bitllet londinenc, els nadons de la Masia toquen i toquen, ballen i ballen i -com les nenes maques al dematí- rise and water and they pee.

a tiny club and has nailed a game endreçadet tiny schooner without mask and with friendly and tiny. Our mini-club prepares the path that leads us to the road plane in London. The great man Villar gives the glass of the league and everyone is happy and eixerits. 0-0 and play Nintendo. Children minibarcelonistes to bed, tapadets, dutxadets and count sheep before closing your eyes. We love the mini-futbolet Barceloneta.

On the other side of the map, the white darkness still emitting foul stench bomb and his coach is still bitter, and side xungu mummy tense. What a bunch! In Perez, the Mouporqué and Cristiano Madelman-plastic muscles.

bring you two extraordinary items of the great writer and illustrious Madrid, Javier Marias.
These two documents, which can be read in full by clicking on the text, are proof that gold is a bad thing Mourinho. In the line of literary category of nostre amic i Britanic journalist John Carlin, ara tenim a parell provide the thought that the critical area of \u200b\u200bReal Madrid. No us perdeu the Carrega de l'amic Marys ...

  • fair A shaman

    • 05/15/2011

    ... incurred contempt, but Pedro Leon has not been heard, Channel barely). For many months I wrote here an article "El triste lo contamina todo", referido a Mourinho. Me costó un aluvión de reproches de madridistas -me temo- "advenedizos" o fanatizados, que desconocen la ...

  • El triste que lo contamina todo

    • 17-10-2010

    ... que el gesture has not come from within, but a studied pantomime, who knows if tested at home before the mirror. But above all, is sad , almost ashen. We are accustomed to the tremendous clerks of our televisions qualify for? Glamorous? any individual or ... and she is happy like a self-conscious or jury malasombra all game show. All that makes him a figure depressing and sad and unintelligent, and the worst is that those attributes the spread to the players. Madrid has always been a happy team: attacker ... Six games, the team is two unmarked, and with much smaller rivals. And there was hardly Chamartín afternoon when they heard no boos. The sadness of what Mourinho polluter everything, even the stands.? That might be considered? Glamorous? Mourinho goes beyond the limits of my understanding ...


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