Saturday, April 30, 2011

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Pollard singing Bridge Cerati Fito Mick Jagger tried

bridge is created between the two. Cross
I will cross fingers ...
... And thanks for coming.
Thank you, future!

Friday, April 29, 2011

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Rolling Stones pinball

The company Stern Pinball created a Rolling Stones pinball to be launched later this year at a price of $ 5,699. As reported Efe Eme, the apparatus includes thirteen songs of the legendary British band and plays various images and objects in the group. Furthermore, the pinball includes a movable figure Mick Jagger, who proved himself the new game. Look at this Video

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Thousands of people attend on Sunday in St. Peter's Square for the beatification of John Paul II, who will be beatified by Pope Benedict XVI just six years after death.

The beatification of the Polish pope, who died on April 2, 2005 at age 84 after a long illness that the world continued to live, is the step before canonization takes place in record time less than five years usually required to start the process.

The new Blessed, including potatoes longer have occupied the throne of Peter, became the face of the Church in nearly 27 years as pontiff.

His beatification will work day, a happy coincidence that during his youth as Karol Jozef Wojtyla was a metalworker, as well as a champion of Polish independent trade union Solidarity, which led the movement in the 80's, contributing the fall of communism in Eastern Europe.

Some 300,000 people, including Polish, English, French arrive in trains, aircraft and special buses to Rome to attend the ceremony, which will be chaired by one of his closest aides, Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, now Pope.

Many celebrities, including President of Mexico, Felipe Calderón, the French Prime Minister François Fillon, the Dominican first lady, Margarita Fernandez will attend the beatification will be broadcast live on television in many countries .

On Monday, April 30, a mass of preparation will be held in the Circus Maximus in the center of Rome, while on 2 May, will be officiated a Mass of thanksgiving in St. Peter's Square, presided over by Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, Secretary of State.

The final burial of the remains of John Paul II will be held successively at the Basilica of San Pedro, in the chapel of San Sebastian, next to the chapel where the famous statue of Michelangelo's Pieta in the right wing of the temple, and will be held privately.

The beatification of one of the most popular pontiffs in recent history, who traveled all over the world and used all types of media to carry their message to the world, making his papacy in one of the emblems of the Church in the modern era.

The pontiff youth sports, accessible, mountain climbing, skiing and joked, was adamant to the end on issues like birth control, abortion and divorce.

not put in discussion the celibacy of priests and the role of women in the Church, but it was the first Pope to visit a mosque and a synagogue, promoted dialogue between religions and no voice trembled to cry out against the war, criticism of unbridled capitalism and ask hundreds of times for forgiveness for sins committed by Catholics over its long history.

The speed with which the new Blessed short of the glory of the altars is explained by the "impressive reputation for holiness of John Paul II who enjoyed during his life, his death and after his death," Recently the Vatican said.

The commission of cardinals and bishops of the Congregation for the Causes of Saints in January approved a miracle attributed to the intercession of John Paul II, for which even listened to his detractors.

This was the Cure "immediate and inexplicable", in June 2005, the French nun Marie Simon-Pierre, who suffered Parkinson's disease, the same disease that struck the head of the Catholic Church.

The nun, 50, a nurse, will attend the ceremonies.

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TIME: 12.30 H. STUMP THE PARISH Mass will

sung by the choir: The Children of Stump. "

The Brotherhood will provide a detail for children to give them to their mothers. During the Mass we will remember our friend Jesus Garcia. At the end all sing the hymn to the Virgin del Socorro.

attending are asked both parents and children accompanying their mothers, to enlarge the spot.

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In His revelations to St. Faustina Kowalska
in Poland.

Jesus I trust in you!
message at the foot of the table

"O Blood and Water which gushed forth
Heart of Jesus
as a fount of Mercy for us,
I trust in You ... "

PROMISE OF JESUS \u200b\u200b
I promise the soul that will venerate this image will not perish ... will protect all his life, like a mother to her son, souls that the cult propagaren My Mercy, in the hour of death will not be for them Judge Salvador but ... " -promise made during his appearances (1931-1938) to St. Faustina Kowalska in Plock, Poland.


When God wants to reveal a message to humanity, not looking for the most important and wise, but it is revealed through the simple and humble, who know how to be docile and thanks to his inspirations. This is the case the message of Divine Mercy given to Saint Sister. Maria Faustina Kowalska Polish religious, choice of instrument and tested by the Lord.

Santa Faustina (as known in the world) belonged to the Congregation of Sisters of Our Lady of Mercy , known as "Sisters Cupcakes " dedicated to educating low-income youth . We see how the Lord begins to put the pieces of his "puzzle of grace" in perfect order. He reveals His mercy to a religious community dedicated to His Mercy.

Santa Faustina was in several houses of his order, provided by very simple work and unnoticed, such as cooking, garden, cleaning or attending convent door. It is precisely this sister less noticeable to the Lord chooses to give the world the great message of His mercy that so many souls have been touched and transformed to spread through the world in such critical moments for humanity.

The image of Mercy

The February 22, 1931, Saint Faustina received the first revelation of God's Mercy, she scored well in his diary: " At night when I was in my cell, I saw Jesus dressed in white. A hand was raised in a gesture of blessing and with the other hand, played the dress, which appeared a bit open at the chest, long rays shone two: one was red and the other b l ank. I stood in silence contemplating the Lord. My soul was filled with fear but also full of happiness. After a while, Jesus said,

My Paint an image according to the vision you see, with the inscription: "Jesus, I trust in you." I hope that this image be venerated, first in your chapel and then throughout the world. I promise that the soul who venerate this image will not perish. I also promise victory over its enemies here on earth, but especially at the time of his death. I the Lord will defend it as My own glory.

When was this confession, the father told him that Jesus probably wanted to paint this picture in his heart, but she felt that Jesus was telling "My image is already in your heart. I desire to establish an Feast of Mercy and this image is revered throughout the world. This party will be the first Sunday after Easter. I desire that priests proclaim this great mercy My sinners. "

order of her confessor asked Saint Faustina Lord the meaning of the rays that appear in the image emanating from the heart and the Lord replied:

"The two rays denote blood and water, the light beam represents the water which makes souls ray Red symbolizes the blood, which is the life of souls. These two rays issued forth from the very depths of My tender mercy when My agonized heart was opened by a lance on the Cross . .. Blessed is he who takes refuge in them, for the just hand of God will not follow you there. "

The Lord manifests his heart, and water and the blood that flowed like a spring of reconciliation for all men.

This disclosure is a continuation of the divine mercy that Jesus offers us on the cross and that was also revealed to St. Margaret Mary .

The Chaplet of Mercy

On Friday September 13, 1935, the Lord revealed to Saint Faustina a powerful means of obtaining God's mercy for the world. She writes:

At night, when I was in my cell, I saw an angel who was the executor of God's justice. He was wearing a bright robe, his face lit up and a cloud gloriously under his feet. In his hands was thunder and lightning. When I saw the signs of divine wrath, with which a country on earth would be punished in a particular manner, implored the angel, but I immediately noticed that my prayers were powerless against the wrath of God ... At the moment I saw the "Holy Trinity", radiating incomparable majesty and holiness. At the same time I heard inside words, with which I began to beg earnestly for the salvation of the world. And Oh miracle! the angel was powerless against this sentence and could not execute retribution. The words which implored the mercy of God were the following: "Eternal Father, I offer the C uerpo the S Angre, the A lma and D Ivin of your beloved Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ our sins and the sins of the world. For his sorrowful passion, have mercy on us and the world.

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morning Next, he entered the chapel, I heard these words interiorly: " Each time you go into the chapel, immediately recite the prayer I taught you yesterday ". When he had recited the prayer, I heard these words within my soul

This sentence serves to appease the wrath of God. The nine days will pray for your next regular rosary way: the first will pray an Our Father, a Hail Mary and the Creed. Then you will pray in the large beads: Eternal Father I offer You the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Your dearly beloved Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ to plead the forgiveness of our sins and the world "In the small beads:" For S or sorrowful Passion, have mercy on us and the world. "At the end you will pray three times:" Holy God, Holy Almighty, Holy Immortal, have mercy on us and the world "(474_476).

This is the crown that Jesus asked santa Faustina introduce your community and the world. In 1936, Father Miguel Sopocko did print this crown (Publishers Cebolski in Cracov i a) on the back of the stamp with the image of Divine Mercy Eugenio painted Kasimierwsko .

The Lord has promised that the souls who say this crown will be embraced by His mercy in his lifetime and especially at the hour of his death.

The True Devotion of Divine Mercy

During the October 1936 retreat, Jesus gave to Saint Faustina explicit about what constitutes the true devotion of Divine Mercy:

Daughter me if I claim to people, through you the devotion of My Mercy, must you be the first to distinguish yourself in this trust in My Mercy. I demand from you deeds of mercy, to be carried out of love for me. You have to show mercy to your neighbors always and everywhere. You must not flinch before this or try to excuse or dispensarte this. Te 'm giving you three ways of exercising mercy to your neighbor: one for work, the second word, and the third prayer. In these three degrees is contained the totality of mercy and is a testament of your love for me. By these means a soul glorifies and pays tribute to My Mercy. While the first Easter Sunday is the Feast of Mercy, also should be another act of mercy, and ask for the worship of My mercy in the solemn celebration of this feast and veneration of the image by which I grant to the souls thank you very much. All this as a reminder of the urgency of My mercy, because even the strongest faith without works have value ". (742)

The words that Jesus spoke to St. Faustina at the start of the retreat began to take effect. On the Feast of Christ the King, on October 25, 1936, the sister wrote in her diary "During the Mass, I was so wrapped up in the inner fire of God's love and the desire to save souls who do not know how to express it. I felt I was on fire. I will fight against evil, gun of mercy. Me burning desire to save souls. I would cross the entire length and breadth of the land and come to the ends, to save souls through prayer and sacrifice, desire that all souls praise God's mercy "(745).

Santa Faustina knew that there should be a pure victim of love, recognizing the path marked by the footsteps of Jesus, the path of suffering, of being ridiculed, persecuted and humiliated, all life must be accepted by love Jesus and souls with the only hope that Jesus would always be his comfort and companion.

The Hour of Great Mercy : The three p.m.

The October 10, 1937, Saint Faustina received instructions from the Lord concerning other main element of devotion to Divine Mercy; that is, the Hour of Great Mercy

At three in the afternoon in point, implore My mercy, especially for sinners, and, even for a brief moment, immerse yourself in My Passion, particularly in My abandonment at the moment of agony. This is the hour of great mercy for everyone. I let you into My mortal sorrow. At this time, I will not refuse anything to the soul that I ask for something in virtue of My Passion. (1320)

Short prayer for the three p.m. >>>

The Feast of Mercy : Sunday after Easter.
officially founded by the Church in 2000 >>> .
see also: Decree on Indulgences received on the Feast of Divine Mercy

The Lord asks Santa Faustina, at least 14 times, which was formally instituted " Feast of Mercy "(Diary of St. Faustina)

This festival comes My most dear mercy ... I want to be celebrated with great solemnity on the first Sunday after Easter .... desire that the Feast of Mercy be a refuge and shelter for all souls, especially for poor sinners. The very depths of My Mercy open that day. Pour a mighty ocean of graces upon those souls who come to the fountain of My mercy.

The soul who go to Confession and receive Holy Communion will obtain complete remission of their sins and punishment ... That the soul is not afraid to approach Me, even though your sins be as scarlet. All hearts received Communion clean, tends to restore the one who receives the innocence inherent in Baptism, as the mystery of the Eucharist is "source of all grace."
Our Lord told St. Faustina that the "Feast of Mercy" opened all gates through which divine grace flowed. Graces of conversion and forgiveness of sins.

The Ninth >>>

"Why the Lord manifests His mercy?:
Having seen briefly as the Lord said to Saint Faustina the desire of His Heart that take root in the hearts of devotion to the Divine Mercy, we can ask why? Why the Lord in the twentieth century, appears to this religious and insistently calls for this devotion?.

If we think a little, not a new devotion, has been at the Church from the Heart God exists, but in a new way the Lord shows His Mercy, flowing and pouring in the form of two beams that have no other purpose than that of the c onversión and rrepentimiento to sin. Here is the Lord's purpose.

the Lord, beholding as humanity in the most technologically advanced century, has turned away from him, and has fallen into the clutches of sin and darkness, wanted to give people the choice to leave the pit which has entered.

Jesus revealed to St. Faustina was in full swing when the Second World War, and many souls were thanks conversion and strength to venerate the image of Merciful Jesus, which rapidly spread throughout Poland, and then throughout Europe and the world.

Man needs God, and God in His love, poured out to meet the rays of mercy, which cost him so much because the price was that his heart was pierced.
Man today needs to hear that there is hope in His mercy God wants everyone to be saved but the only condition is the change of heart, to recognize sin and deep repentance back to God and away from evil.

"Mankind will not have peace until it becomes confident My Mercy "
Peace is the fruit of friendship with God, people today do not have peace because they have turned their hearts away from God. The Lord told St. Faustina that mankind would only have peace when he returned to his mercy, because only there will be peace in the heart of man to repent and return to restore their friendship with God his Lord.

Let us all pray for the conversion of sinners, for our own conversion and that of all living in mortal sin. draw all the "Fountain of Mercy" Heart of Jesus, and sumerjámosles in it, to be released and healed of sin which separates them from the Lord and God's grace is restored to all humanity.

"O Blood and Water which gushed forth from the Heart of Jesus, as the source of mercy for us .... I trust in You .

(using the rosary is recited)

Jesus told Sister Faustina (1, 197): will pray the rosary in the following way:

First, say an Our Father, a Hail Mary and CREDO.

Then, in the beads for the Our Father, say the following words:

Eternal Father, I offer You the Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity of Your dearly beloved Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, in atonement for our sins and worldwide.

In the Hail Mary beads say the following words:

sake of His sorrowful Passion, have mercy on us and the world.

Finally, tell yourself three times these words:

Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy Immortal, have mercy on us and the world integer.

Salve a la Virgen.

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Let start the month of May, a month, which in the middle of spring, picks the best flowers of every garden, to decorate the altar, who, not wanting to ever get attention, it was not that of God in his humility, delivery, for their faith, God Himself, delivering us by Mother, in a way to reach him, so you never feel alone in life, but we are full of motherly love of God.
May each day of the month of May, say before God, the Virgin's hands, like a rosary, every moment of our lives, that He may enlighten us, that He may guide us along the path to He increase us faith, hope and charity, until the day that our steps move towards the sky.
Lady of Mount Caramel, in you I trust, here's to your children, they feel protected under your mantle!

Pray the Rosary, devote yourself to Mary, and his hand take you to Christ.

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According to legend, when St. Eufrasio came to Spain, brought an image of the Blessed Virgin which worshiped and devotion. In the eighth century when Andújar was occupied by the Arabs, the Holy Image was hidden among some rocks in one of the highest peaks and inaccessible Sierra Morena to avoid desecration.

In the XIII century , pastor of Colomera , Granada called Juan Alonso Rivas, tending their cattle, goats and sheep in the hills of Sierra Morena near the top of the head. Christian was simple, earnest, maybe something in years and was suffering from a ankylosis or complete stoppage in left arm.

started calling their attention to the lights he could see by the nights on the mountain near where he had his herd to which is added the ringing of a bell . Finally, doubt and wanted to leave on the night of 11 to 12 August 1227 years to reach the summit resolved.

In natural fear followed by a look of amazement and joy, because in the hollow formed by two huge blocks of granite found a small picture of the Virgin, before whom the pastor knelt and prayed aloud, engaging in dialogue with the lady.

The Holy Image expressed his hope that there will arise a temple, sending him to the city, to announce the event and show everyone the recovery of movement in his arm and thus give credence to his words . He descended into the city and announced the event they had no choice but to believe the testimony of his arm healed.

Since then, pilgrims from all over Andalusia, in Spain, and even beyond our borders, go to the Hill Head, venerate the small image of the brunette, every last weekend of April. In the year 2011, this weekend May 1, thousands and thousands of people wait a year longer than the brunette from her seat, fill them with blessings, hear their prayers and heal their wounds.

Viva la Virgen Morenita!

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never seen Video Call Now! Songs for Japan

This is a Video surely did not see any channels on air, because they took great care not appeared. But the Internet is everything and that is why here you will find the video where he breaks the pot lid to the host of the Call already transmitted by America 2. Look on

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'Songs for Japan' be purchased on iTunes for 9.99 euros, of which 7.04 will go to the Japanese Red Cross (JRCS ), because the artists who collaborated on the disc have assigned their rights. The aid will mitigate the effects that hit Japan March 11 and was followed by a tusnami.
The song list Songs for Japan is:

CD 1:
1. John Lennon “Imagine”
2. U2 “Walk On”
3. Bob Dylan “Shelter From The Storm”
4. Red Hot Chili Peppers “Around The World”
5. Lady Gaga “Born This Way”
6. Beyonce “Irreplaceable”
7. Bruno Mars “Talking To The Moon”
8. Katy Perry “Firework”
9. Rihanna “Only Girl (In The World)”
10. Justin Timberlake “Like I Love You”
11. Madonna “Miles Away”
12. David Guetta “When Love Takes Over”
13. Eminem “Love The Way You Lie”
14. Bruce Springsteen “Human Touch”
15. Josh Groban “Awake”
16. Keith Urban “Better Life”
17. Black Eyed Peas “One Tribe”

CD 2:
18. Pink “Sober”
19. Cee Lo Green “It’s Ok”
20. Lady Antebellum “I Run To You”
21. Bon Jovi “What Do You Got”
22. Foo Fighters “My Hero”
23. REM “Man On The Moon”
24. Nicki Minaj “Save Me”
25. Sade “By Your Side”
26. Michael Buble “Hold On”
27. Justin Bieber “Pray”
28. Adele “Make You Feel My Love”
29. Enya “If I Could Be Where You Are "
30. Elton John "Do not Let The Sun Go Down On Me"
31. John Mayer "Waiting On The World To Change"
32. Queen "Teo Torriate (Let Us Cling Together)"
33. Kings Of Leon "Use Somebody"
34. Sting "Fragile"
35. Leona Lewis "Better In Time"
36. Ne-Yo "One In A Million"
37. Shakira "Whenever Wherever"
38. Norah Jones "Sunrise"

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

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today has made it clear on whose behalf

********************** ***

Dear friends of the Rock Bogarde:

We have the best article ever written about the "if Mourinho.
been published in THE COUNTRY. The author is the renowned British journalist John Carlin.
We pass on the full version and not even miss a letter.
Colossal, religious, scholarly, scientific and definitive!

Photo: John Carlin. The best món journalist.

be or not be, that is the question

JOHN CARLIN 01/05/2011

- "Oh, no let me go crazy! Loco, no, good heavens! ".
King Lear. William Shakespeare.

The famous footballing Albert Camus, also known as a novelist and philosopher, proposes that the only really serious question is whether one should or should not commit suicide. If he were alive today, would recognize that has emerged another fundamental, related to suicide: Does the dome of the criteria for Real Madrid coach Jose Mourinho? Or, to put it another way: Have you all fallen into madness or at the Bernabeu is a ray of light?

We do not refer to the philosophy of team play. Opting for a strategy of destruction rather than creation, pitch instead of possession, and consider that a 0-0 at home in the first leg of a semifinal of the Champions is a goal worth celebrating is nothing new in football nor irrational if one starts from the premise, the admirably humble premise-that the rival is too big and the only way to oppose he is playing as a small team.

No. We talk about Mourinho's statements after his plans for a goalless draw against Barca were twisted and his team lost 0-2. The context was a press conference , but otherwise the sector Torrente the Madrid fans, any observer would have understood it fairly clear that this was not the name given to describe such a conference. It was an intense psychotherapy session that should have remained private, between patient and doctor, but was broadcast live to millions of people around the world.

That itself was a magnificent spectacle, scary, worth a play of Sophocles or Shakespeare or a novel by Dostoyevsky in which the hero, in an ecstasy of existential agony, crying out against the universe. The "why?" mourinhiano will legend next to the helpless cries of Oedipus, King Lear and Ivan Karamazov blind to the injustice of heaven.

The particular difficulty that we face Mourinho's monologue, the mental aspect of the matter lies in the disproportion between cause and effect. Not just discovered that he had killed his father, his daughters had usurped the power that God not exist or that, though there could not praise him because it allowed the death of children. No, no. What opened his eyes to the horror of the human condition was the red card he saw a young man named Pepe, punishable by a United Nations agency dedicated to alleviating the suffering of the children that God has abandoned them.

face of such calamity, Mourinho had a revelation. Suddenly, he understood that life is meaningless, everything is a joke, that the world is "disgusting." But disturbed by the absolute power, was spectacularly wrong scenario. Invaded by a toxic mix of paranoia and egomania, I thought he was acting a tragedy of epic proportions when it was a comedy with a star, again, called Pepe.

What remains to be seen now is whether the leaders of Madrid have become aware of this grotesque reality and if they consider that an entity whose global image has been to football what the Rolls Royce is to automobiles or the British royal family the aristocracy can stay with him in charge. Seniority has been passed to the farce, and if anyone believes that we are expressing an opinion or even idiosyncratic original, Take a look at British newspapers, until this week almost unconditional admirers Portuguese coach. Simon Barnes, of Times for choosing an example, wrote that Mourinho had been revealed for what it is, "the crazy meter" that any day is in the platform and says he is Napoleon. "Madrid has fallen into the ridiculous," says Barnes, winner and veteran sports journalist, "and the image conveyed by the club is much dumber than we saw when he failed with his previous coaches."

Is recognized in the mirror the other masters of Madrid, which Mourinho has moved? Will they do something about it? Or, contaminated caligulesca disease of the poor man with powers that have no limit, fall into unconsciousness to allow a great club to collapse toward suicide?


Santiago Bernabeu

The fussy Real Zaragoza, a team that has, has walked through the new cemetery in the capital of the Kingdom. The cemetery has witnessed the defeat Bernabeu white in the blink of an eye. The hand has knocked the box Madrid sad Mourinho.

The set is dragged through all fields and shows signs of decay insurmountable. There is already talk of more possible demise of the once-white historic institution. Adios, Madrid, Adios.
Real Madrid 2 Real Zaragoza 3.


A special club scored a wonderful goal in an athletics stadium on the outskirts of San Sebastian. The athletics stadium of Real Sociedad has seen a couple of prodigious goal and Thiago has sealed this week launched virtuous FC Barcelona at the Santiago Bernabeu. Barca crushes Affelay of the Real Sociedad Real Sociedad and brand. Magnificent Thiago. Pure entertainment! Cats players greet the world and celebrate the excellence of an unbeatable team.

semifinals of the Champions:

WE ARE Fucking owners BERNABEU


Two goals
fucking fucking the Messi and
fucking party fucking
football club Barcelona is
team more fucking fucking fucking
the world and plays
more fucking fucking the world.

Welcome to the universe:

and you're good xorrada so white!


Affelay opens the tin!

Mourinho is totally crazy, right?
The press conference Mourinho
was worth more fucking



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