Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Naughty Birthday Cakes


From my earliest childhood, I remember the devotion of my people Santa Rita awoke with families. I even remember that there were people who were walking to Granada, on her feast day, to thank you for a favor. I have formerly, the altar of Santa Rita, was always filled with flowers, candles, votive offerings, by the fervor that he had. Even today, Santa Rita, is a day on the calendar, which many people are very present. For this reason, and my own experience, that whenever I come to her intercession has helped me, I want to approach the life of this great woman, wife, mother and religious, for from heaven, continues to help many people.

Santa Rita of Cascia
Fiesta: February 2 May

The saint of the impossible. He was a dutiful daughter, faithful wife, battered wife, mother, widow, religious, saint incorrupt stigmatized. Santa Rita experienced it all but came to the holy because Jesus Christ was reigning in his heart.

born in May 1381, a year after the death of St. Catherine of Siena . The birthplace of St. Rita is near the town of Cascia , between the mountains, about 40 miles from Assisi in Umbria region of central Italy that has perhaps more saints to Church (St. Benedict, St. Scholastica, St. Francis, St. Clara, St. Angela, S. Gabriel, St. Clare of Montefalco, S. Valentine and many more).

His life began in time of wars, earthquakes, conquests and rebellions. Invading countries to countries, cities attacked nearby cities neighbors fought with neighbors, brother against brother. The problems of the world seemed bigger than politics and government could solve.

Born of devout parents, Antonio and Amata Ferri Mancini who were known as the "Peacemakers of Jesus Christ", as they were called to quell fights between neighbors. They did not need powerful speeches and discussions diplomatic, just needed the Holy Name of Jesus, his forgiveness toward those who crucified him and brought peace to the human heart. They knew that the only way we can calm the soul.

The bees seemed

from the first moment of his birth God had plans special Rita. According to tradition, since he was a baby, while sleeping in a basket, white bees clustered over her mouth, depositing the sweet honey without harm and without the crying child to alert their parents. One of the peasants, seeing what was happening tried to disperse the bees with his wounded arm. His arm is sound immediately.

After 200 years of the death of Santa Rita, something strange happened in the convent of Cascia. White bees emerged from the walls of the monastery during Holy Week each year and remained until the feast of Santa Rita, on May 22, when returning to idle until Easter next year. Pope Urban VIII, knowing what the mysterious bee asked one of them will be brought to Rome. After careful consideration, I tied a silk thread and let it free. It was discovered later in a nest in the Cascia monastery to 138 miles away. The holes in the wall where the bees traditionally remain until next year, can be clearly seen by the pilgrims who come to the monastery today.


His parents, having learned to read or write, Rita taught since childhood all about Jesus, the Virgin Mary and the saints known. Rita, like St. Catherine of Siena never went to school to learn to write or read. Santa Catalina was given the grace to read miraculously by our Lord Jesus Christ, his only book Santa Rita was the Crucifix.

She wanted to be religious all her life, but his parents, Antonio and Amata, and advanced age, she chose for a husband, Paolo Ferdinando, which was not a very wise decision. But Rita was due. God willed it and give us an example of a wonderful wife, full of virtue, even in the most difficult circumstances.

After marriage, her husband proved to be a drinker, womanizer and abuser. Rita was faithful throughout her married life. He found his strength in Jesus Christ in a life of prayer, suffering and silence. They had two twins, who brought the temperament of the father. Rita cared and prayed for them.

After twenty years of marriage and prayer by Rita's husband became, he apologized and promised to change his nature. Rita forgives and leaves his old life of sin and spent time with Rita in the ways of God. This did not last long, because while her husband had reformed, was not well with his old friends and enemies. One night Paolo was not home. Before his conversion would not have been strange, but in the renovated Paolo this was not normal. Rita knew something had happened. The next day he was found murdered.

His sentence was increased when her two children, who were older, vowed to avenge the death of his father. Pleas failed to deter them. It was then that Santa Rita, realizing that it is better to save the soul to live a long time begged the Lord to save the souls of her two children and take their lives before they were lost for eternity for committing a mortal sin. The Lord answered their prayers. Both suffered from a fatal disease. During the time of illness, the mother spoke gently of love and forgiveness. Before dying able to forgive the murderers of his father. Rita was convinced they were with their father in heaven.

Enter Religious Life

When left alone does not give up the sadness and suffering. Santa Rita wanted to enter the Augustinian sisters, but it was not easy to achieve. They did not want a woman who had been married. The violent death of her husband left a shadow of doubt. She turned back to Jesus in prayer. Then a miracle occurred. One night, as Rita was fast asleep, heard the called Rita, Rita, Rita! this happened three times, the third time Rita opened the door and there were San Agustin, San Nicolas de Tolentino and St. John the Baptist which she had been devoted since very young. They asked him to follow. After running through the streets of Roccaporena, at the peak of Scoglio, donde Rita siempre iba a orar sintió que la subían en el aire y la empujaban suavemente hacia Cascia. Se encontró arriba del Monasterio de Santa María Magdalena en Cascia. Entonces cayo en éxtasis. Cuando salió del éxtasis se encontró dentro del Monasterio, ante aquel milagro las monjas Agustinas no pudieron ya negarle entrada. Es admitida y hace la profesión ese mismo año de 1417, y allí pasa 40 años de consagración a Dios.

Más Pruebas

Durante su primer año, Rita fue puesta a prueba no solamente por sus superioras, sino por el mismo Señor. Le fue dado el pasaje de la Escritura del joven rico para que meditara. She felt in her heart the words, If you want to be perfect!

One day Rita was tested by her Mother Superior. As an act of obedience, Rita was ordered to water every day a dead plant. Rita did dutifully and in good way. One morning the plant had become a flourishing vines and grapes that he used for sacramental wine. To this day continues to grapes.

Love the Passion of Christ


many hours meditating on the Passion of Christ, meditating on the insults, rejections, the ingratitude he suffered on his way to Calvary

During Lent 1443 the Year went to Cascia a preacher named James of Mount Brandon, who gave a sermon on the Passion of Our Lord, who played both Rita that his return to the monastery fervently asked the Lord to be part of their sufferings on the Cross. Received the stigmata and marks of the Crown of Thorns on the head. Most of the saints who have received this gift, this gift exude a heavenly fragrance. The wounds of Santa Rita, however exudían rotten smell, so people should stay away.

For 15 years she lived alone, away from her sister nuns. The Lord gave him a truce when he wanted to go to Rome for the first Holy Year. Jesus removed the stigma of his head during the period of the pilgrimage. As soon as he arrived back home the stigma appeared again and again having to be isolated.

In his life he had many calls but above all a mother was both physically and spiritually. When I was on his deathbed, he asked the Lord to give him a clue that their children were in heaven. A mid-winter was a rose garden near his home in Roccaporena. Asked a second signal. This time was a fig in the garden of his home in Roccaporena, at the end of winter.

The last years of his life were of atonement. A serious and painful disease was still on his humble bed of straw for four years. She watched as his body was consumed with peace and trust in God.

Las Rosas de Santa Rita

During illness, at his request, he had some roses that had sprouted prodigiously on the cold winter in the little garden of Rocaporena. She accepted them as a gift from God smiling.

Death of the Holy

Santa Rita crossed the road to perfection, the purgative way, the illuminative and unitive . He knew the suffering and all grew up in love and trust in God. The crucifix is \u200b\u200bthe best teacher. Is pure souls like hers that God can do wonders without thereby falling into rioting and spiritual pride. At death the cell is illuminated and the bells tolling alone in the joy of a soul enters heaven.

His death in 1457, was his triumph. The wound of stigma disappeared and instead appeared as a ruby \u200b\u200bred spot, which had a delicious fragrance. Should have been veiled in the convent, but the crowd so large it took the church. He remained there and the fragrance never disappeared. So never buried. The wooden coffin had originally been replaced by a glass and have been exposed for veneration of the faithful ever since. Crowds still come on pilgrimage to honor the saint and ask for their intercession with her body remains incorrupt.

Leo XIII and canonized in 1900.

Santa Rita, pray for us.

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PRAYER to ask a favor

Holy Impossible. Oh patron saint of those in need, St. Rita, whose prayers to the Divine Lord are almost irresistible, who for their generosity in granting favors hast been called Mediatrix of hopeless and even of the Impossible, Santa Rita, so humble, so pure, so mortified, so patient and so pitying love for Jesus Crucified you could obtain from anything you ask. On account of all confidently have recourse to thee, expecting, if not always relief, at least comfort. Be propitious to our petition, showing thy power with God on behalf of this thy suppliant, be lavish to us, as we've been in so many wonderful cases, for the greater glory of God, by the disclosure of your own devotion and for the consolation of those who trust in you. We promise, if our request is granted, to glorify your name, informing the favor granted, to bless and sing thy praises forever. Relying then on the merits and power before the Sacred Heart of Jesus, we pray:

(List now your request)

Obtain for us our request:

By the singular merits of your childhood,
for perfect union with the Divine Will,
For the heroic sufferings during thy married life,
For the comfort experienced with the conversion of your husband,
By the sacrifice of your children before you see them seriously offend God,
By your miraculous entrance to the Convent,
For the austere penances the bloody offerings three
times day.
for the suffering caused by the wound that came with the thorn of the Crucified Savior,
For divine love which consumed thy heart,
For the remarkable devotion to the Blessed Sacrament, with which existed for four years,
for happiness with which part of your tests to meet with the Divine Bridegroom,
For the perfect example that you gave to the people of each state of life. Saint of the Impossible

Pray Oh God, Who in Thine infinite tenderness hast been kind to hear the prayer of Your servant, Santa Rita, and you grant your plea it is impossible to view, knowledge and efforts, in reward of their love and compassion firm reliance on Thy promise, have pity on our adversity and Help us in our calamities that the unbeliever may know that You are the reward of the humble, the defense of those without hope, and strength of those who trust in Thee, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen



Oh mighty Santa Rita, called Advocate of hopeless cases, rescuer in the last hope, refuge and salvation in the pain, which leads to the abyss of crime and despair, with all confidence in your heavenly power, I turn to you in the difficult and unforeseen event that oppresses my heart painfully.

Tell me, oh Santa Rita, am I going to help you?, Is not going to console me? Will you remove your eyes and your mercy in my heart, so very troubled? You also know what is the martyrdom of the heart, so very troubled! For the atrocious penalties, for the holy tears were shed, come to my aid. Speak, pray, intercede for me, I dare not do, at Heart of God, the Father of mercies and fountain of all comfort, and get me the grace to desire (indicate here the desired grace). Presented is sure to hear me: and I shall use this favor to improve my life and customs, to sing on earth and in heaven the divine mercies.

Father, Hail Mary and Gloria.



Almighty God, who hast vouchsafed to grant to Santa Rita so funny, he loved his enemies and imprinted on your heart and on his forehead the sign of your passion, and be example to be imitated in different states of Christian life. Grant us, by his intercession, to fulfill faithfully the obligations of our state so that one day we can live happy with it in your kingdom. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.


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