Saturday, May 21, 2011

French Song South Park

Afellay is the man chosen

Afellay storm, eats and crushes the opponent. Afellay is the man chosen. Afellay print your stamp club in the game and closes the 2010-2011 league with his reverential picture of man and man chosen today simply have seen the twilight of the league and he, he, he, Afellay scored the best goal in the history of FC Barcelona. With friends Malaga to rivals, we have stuck to 1-3 and with all the kids manned by Ibrahim from our submarine periscope pointing Wembley.

Meanwhile, the waste incinerator plant de Chamartín, el tongo pudent de Mourinho ha encaixat un gol de l'Almeria i s'han acomiadat de la temporada amb un rotund fracàs esportiu i un daltabaix econòmic. Avui, entrada la nit, a la plaça de Catalunya, milers d'indignats han cridat: "Prou politics, prou banquers i prou mourinhos".


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